Depression, in every form and degree, is never easy to handle. It can invade our minds and hearts and bring us down to the depths of despair, feeling as if everything has been lost.
Yet, God is there with us in our agony and wants to hold us and protect us from all adversity. We simply need to open our hearts to him and allow his hope to fill our soul.
One way to do that is through this prayer written by St. Ignatius Loyola. It is a beautiful prayer that begs God for an increase in trust so that, “nothing may frighten or worry us.”
O Christ JesusWhen all is darknessAnd we feel our weakness and helplessness,Give us the sense of Your Presence,Your Love and Your Strength.Help us to have perfect trustIn Your protecting loveAnd strengthening power,So that nothing may frighten or worry us,For, living close to You,We shall see Your Hand,Your Purpose, Your Will through all things.
Looking for more prayers? Check out our page of “Prayers for a Particular Need.”

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When we’re depressed or feeling blue, pray this prayer from Padre Pio

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Feeling alone and depressed? Pray this prayer to St. Jude for hope