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Woman in labor fortunately has the perfect neighbors

firefighter equals stork


Cerith Gardiner - published on 07/01/23

When new mom Aneia Irby realized her child was coming, she couldn't have asked for better neighbors.

When Aneia Irby recently gave birth, things didn’t quite go according to plan, but thankfully she had the perfect neighbors on hand to help her safely deliver her son.

As reported in Fox 2, the young woman from Detroit had started to go into labor a couple of days earlier than expected. Feeling some contractions, Irby went to the hospital where doctors gave her the sort of advice they give to all moms in the early stages of labor:

“They said ‘take a shower, walk, and we’ll see you back here in a few days,'” explained the new mom.

However, as is so often the case with childbirth, little baby Tre-vez decided he didn’t want to hang around. Just a few hours after Irby got home, she realized that her son was on his way, and there was no time to get back to the hospital.

Thankfully, Irby’s mother and grandmother live in the neighborhood, so they went over to lend support. But as the new mom explained in a video with Fox 2, neither of the ladies knew how to deliver a child. And this is when it’s good to know your neighbors.

Irby has actually lived her entire life next to a fire station. While the noise of sirens at all hours of the night might have been a little annoying, having the firefighters at hand proved essential as little Tre-vez made his speedy arrival.

Neighbors to the rescue

Irby’s grandmother got in touch with the emergency responders, who were able to rush to the rescue. Although they didn’t have the normal equipment on hand to deal with emergency deliveries, as it was in a rig already out on duty, the firefighters gathered together any materials that could help and headed straight to their neighbor in distress.

After the safe delivery, both mother and child were doing well, but the first responders made sure they went to hospital for further care.

The birth of a child is always a wonderful occasion, but there’s something a little extra special when family and neighbors are there to lend a hand. And as Mark 12:31 instructs us to “love your neighbor as yourself,” Irby’s story is a perfect example of why this is so important.

Not only were the firefighting neighbors quick to help out, but Irby will now feel reassured that the people she sees every day were there to welcome her new son into the world. And just imagine how Tre-vez will love being able to grow up and see his hero neighbors every day!

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