Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski
What is the ACTS acronym for prayer?
Philip Kosloski
Bible verse for comfort when you are sick
Marinella Bandini
Where did the Blessed Mother live?
Philip Kosloski
Catholic prayer for a job interview
Philip Kosloski
John Paul II believed every pregnant woman must be supported
Philip Kosloski
Pray this night prayer to offer your day’s work to God
Philip Kosloski
The vision that led St. Marguerite Bourgeoys to Canada
Philip Kosloski
Evening prayer thanking God for being alive another day
Philip Kosloski
What Vatican II said about abortion
Philip Kosloski
The connection between green vestments and Epiphany
Philip Kosloski
Prayer of gratitude for the gift of baptism
Philip Kosloski
The symbolism of Jesus’ baptism at the Jordan river
Philip Kosloski
Why many baptismal fonts have eight sides
Fr. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik
Mass prep – 30 seconds/3 points: God adopted us
Philip Kosloski
Prayer that the birth of Christ will strengthen our faith
Philip Kosloski