
Brother Silas Henderson, SDS
An Expansive Faith: Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel

Jim Schroeder
Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

Fr Dwight Longenecker
Pope Francis Tends His Sheep

Msgr. Charles Pope
Three Words That Can Change Your Life

Tom Hoopes
Pope Francis and the Gadgets of Sin

John Martignoni
Contraception and the Sin of Onan

Shawn Chapman
Lectio for Lovers: Praying Lectio Divina as a Couple

Brother Silas Henderson, SDS
Savoring the Bread of Life: Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel

Matthew Becklo
New Video Series Contemplates the “Mystery of God”

Fr. Mike Schmitz
Ask Fr. Mike: Why Does God Allow People to Commit Evil Acts?

Francis Phillips
Dorothy Day: In Her Own Words

Fr Dwight Longenecker
Should We Call Him King Francis?

John Burger