Health and Wellness

Daniel Esparza
Finding God in motion: The spirituality of sports

Fr. Michael Rennier
Meditations on life from Olympic Marathoners

Mónica Muñoz
7 Saints to turn to for healing from cancer

Cerith Gardiner
9 Go-to saints to help with common summer problems

Cecilia Pigg
Easy meatless meals for warm summer temperatures

Kathleen N. Hattrup
Pope promotes Sacrament of Sick in July prayer intention

Cerith Gardiner
5 Ways to meet deadlines when you’re feeling lousy

Cerith Gardiner
Supportive advice for fathers of NICU babies

Cerith Gardiner
10 Easy ways to create realistic summer projects

Cerith Gardiner
Must watch: Woman with Alzheimer’s reaction to knowing Jesus

Cerith Gardiner
5 Essential saints to help with five types of headaches

Cerith Gardiner